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Paperback and eBook available


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My Never Ending Tour with Bob Dylan

Coming February 28th, 2022


Bob Dylan has spent more than thirty years on the so-called Never Ending Tour, playing over 3,000 concerts all around the globe. This book is the story of the ten most recent years of that tour; it is the story of Barcelona and Gothenburg, New York and Rome, Paris, Chattanooga and beyond. Join me on the road as I take in twenty-two Bob Dylan gigs in eleven cities, and follow along around Europe and America, guided by Dylan’s past and present; by the history of the places he plays in and by everyone who is traveling by your side, as well.


Inside, you'll be ushered onto Dylan's tour bus in Barcelona, encounter Lana Del Rey, Elvis Costello and Mick McCarthey and be placed in the audience of Dylan’s final performance of 2011 as he trades vocals with Mark Knopfler; to the crowd in Gothenburg where his vocal renaissance shone through the rain in 2014, to the scene of the crime of his first electric gig in 1965 as he returned to Forest Hills Tennis Stadium for the first time in 51 years, sitting front-and-centre as he sings a one-off Standing in the Doorway in 2017 a few hours after finally picking up his Nobel Prize in Literature, and leads you into the Shadow Kingdom in 2021. 

You’ll be transported back to Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome; into the Spanish and the American Civil Wars, and the streets of Minneapolis where the biggest Civil Rights Movement since the 1960s took place during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

This is the story of travelling on the road with Bob Dylan’s Never Ending Tour, yes, but it is also the story of travelling Together Through Life.

the book

the author

Born and raised in and around London, Matthew Ingate has been working in the music industry since his teens. He has a passion for music, travel, reading and writing, animals, and the environment. He can play the guitar and piano.
Together Through Life is his first book.

Paperback and eBook 
coming February 28th, 2022
My Books
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